
The Seeds

October 22nd - November 5th 2022

Galleri Kronborg, Bergen, Norway


The Seeds

22 octobre - 5 novembre 2022

Galleri Kronborg, Bergen, Norvége




My work is focused on the Feminine archetype which is often informed by mythology.

Here, I recall how the Greek Goddess Persephone allows us to reconnect to life cycles and the seasons, to our Feminine ways of functioning, and to our bodies.

She is the Goddess of our deeper soul, of adaptability, of trusting life and our own fortitude – an ability we will need in the face of global crisis and change.

As daughter of Demeter, Goddess of harvest and fertility, and granddaughter of Gaia, The Earth, she might be our chance to understand how to return to the Spring and to abundance.

In this installation, I explore a representation of Persephone using a photographic print on silk and pomegranate seeds created with Murano glass.

The exhibition space is an old mountain refuge, almost hidden within the landscape, merging and forming part of it. Housing this image of Persephone under the hill, in the earth, offers us a way to think about the Feminine. While the under-earth is a place of darkness, it is necessarily so, as a place for holding, incubation and growth. In contrast to the bright expansive sky, the earth is the seat of sensuality, of embodiment. In celebrating these attributes, we are reminded to look down and inward, rather than only upward and forward, directions which have driven the (destructive) obsession with progress for “mankind”.


Ma recherche est centrée sur l’archétype féminin et nourrie par la mythologie.

La déesse grecque Perséphone nous permet de nous reconnecter avec les cycles de vies, les saisons, la part de féminin en nous et notre corps.

Elle est la déesse de notre âme profonde, de l’adaptabilité, de la confiance dans la vie et de notre capacité à nous adapter ce qui peut sembler un sentiment important après une pandémie.

Elle est la fille de Déméter, déesse des moissons, de la fertilité et petite-fille de Gaia, la terre. Elle est peut-être notre chance de comprendre comment retrouver le printemps et l’abondance.

Pour cette installation, j’explore la représentation de Perséphone grâce à une impression photographique sur soie et du verre de Murano.
